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Signal Fire - Chapter 1

General / 30 September 2019

Honestly this is the first time that I have the opportunity to write in a blog, for several months I have been using this PRO Artstation account without using the first entry in their blog platform. This is suppose to be a blog centered in artistic things and that stuff but I think that I'm a writer too, so it's going to be really hard for me not to mix daily things and some personal philosophizes here and of course art stuff too, why I am in Artstation and what are the things that I do.

First of all I have a bachelors degree in Graphic Arts and since I was a kid I always wanted to be part of the concept art / design world, but I forgot that to be part of that "world" you must create first your world, so now that I have already created that world I'm finally open to say that I'm a concept artist, and everything started with this:

Yes (I don't know if this people is going to shut down this blog entry just because I'm using some kind of copy rights but I'll take the hit), I saw that huge title: The Machines of Star Wars, back in that moment I was in the house of my aunt trying to kill that boring afternoon I was getting there and she had this stored in her library, I knew about Star Wars before this magazine and I wasn't attracted by it, back in that moment I was more amazed by video games like Silent Hill and the first Resident Evil and stuff like that a more horror and suspense atmosphere was getting all of my attention back then, before I start to talk in circles I want to finish why I got inside this since the beginning, so yes, I open up the magazine, riding fast into the The "Machines of Start Wars" part and that was enough for me, inside of it where one of the most impressive concept art work until now, a very detailed droid transport bought my attention, color palette, small lines and details, bought the professional future of my life, it's a shame but I can't show more, sadly that magazine got lost in time and in the internet I just found the cover of it, but like I said, was enough for me to get myself in into this career and love it with all of my heart, enough of romantic expression about the stuff that I love to do, I grew up nothing more special happened after that but I already knew what was the path I'm going to choose when I grew up, and that's cool because it's with me since I'm a kid, time pass and I get the opportunity to go to the university, the concept art/design career was not a thing in my country, been more clear still not a thing there, they are more busy learning about oil and corruption. So I choose Graphic Arts for 4 years because it was the most near hit I can gave to the concept art/design career.

Returning back to the art thing I finish my bachelor degree and I started to learn concept art / design by my own through this huge and vast universe called internet, because nothing was able to stop me, and the thing that in my country there is no academy or career available for concept art that wasn't enough to stop me, so I put myself in the way I wanted, I'm almost in the middle of a 365DAYCHALLENGE let's say SUICIDAL 365DAYCHALLENGE because I choose digital sculpt and I choose Zbrush and you can figure out how it was, a huge mess for me because in my opinion sculpting has been the only skill I got that let me show what is inside of my head, to project all the graphical and imaginary stuff I have on my head related to the science fiction area, influenced by tons of science fiction movie like Alien, Event Horizon, Gattaca and games like Dead Space, Prey, Alien Isolation and so on, inspiring me to show what I have on my head since I was a kid, this challenge is showing me how easy is for me to show a very fractured distant future, again is very easy for me depict creature from the future with a very dark atmosphere and I forgot to explain something very important for me, I'm not an ultra fan of Star War just because I put an old Mechanic Popular Cover here  and I don't remember to be attached to anything related to the saga, I like it but not too much, the thing that I don't like it doesn't mean that is something bad, of course I recognize that this saga is a huge masterpiece and that's all because there are other more influential sagas for me, but I put the cover because it was the beginning for me and the signal fire for this path I choose long time ago.

My first contact with Zbrush was when I was at the middle of my career back in my country, I remember been looking for some concept art classes and tutorials at YouTube but I'm not good at drawing, I'm terrible at it but I was trying to improve my skills because back in that moment I was decided to became a 2D concept art designer, but I saw an artist mixing the two stuff, Zbrush techniques and finishing it in Ps, again my mind was blew up because I love sculptures long time ago but I thought that out there was nothing like a live session sculpting with your hands, but again there appeared Zbrush just to give me the right lesson that the art of sculpting wasn't dead, it's more alive than ever with this digital approach so perfectly that Zbrush can show to you, for me was like "I'm in where I should sign?", a new whole era was opened for me starting with this first sculpt:


 That I learned for free here and helped me to made tons of other incomprehensible stuff that are hard to digest for me so I won't all of that here  but this was the spark that make this grow and grow inside of me til actual day that I'm in the middle of a "suicidal" 365DAYCHALLENGE of digital sculpt.

I must stop this entry here because if I keep writing I won't have material for the next Friday and I'm planning to post here my progress and all of the stuff related to that every Friday until I finish my challenge.

In my Instagram account: the challenge is more update it can be checked a bit like in real time because I post there daily.

And great to know that you read all the way down til here.

Thanks for reading.